Privacy Policy


Your privacy and security are important to us. Below we explain what personal data we collect from our users and how we use it. We encourage you to read these terms carefully before providing your personal data on this website.

Please note that this Privacy Policy may vary depending on legislative or self-regulatory requirements, so users are advised to visit it periodically. It will be applicable if users decide to fill out any form on any of the contact forms where personal data is collected.

FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU has adapted this website to the requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights. It also complies with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI). We explain how below.

Responsible for the processing of your personal data

c/Vallespir, 13 (Pol. Ind. Fontsanta)


For the purposes of the aforementioned General Data Protection Regulation, the personal data that you send us through the forms on the website will be treated as “Client” data.

For the processing of our users' data, we implement all technical and organizational security measures established in current legislation.

For what purpose do we process your personal data?

When a user connects to this website, for example to send an email to the owner, subscribe or make a purchase, he or she is providing personal information for which FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU is responsible. This information may include personal data such as your IP address, name, physical address, email address, telephone number, and other information. By providing this information, the user gives his or her consent for his or her information to be collected, used, managed and stored by FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU, only as described in the legal notice and this privacy policy.

At FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU there are different systems for capturing personal information and we process the information provided to us by interested parties for the following purpose for each capture system (forms):

Contact form: We request the following personal data: Name, Email, Address, to respond to our customers' requirements. For example, we can use this data to respond to your request and answer any questions, complaints, comments or concerns you may have regarding the information included on the website, the services provided through the website, the processing of your personal data, questions regarding the legal texts included on the website, as well as any other queries you may have that are not subject to the contracting conditions.

Sending advertising content: In this case, we request the following personal data: Name, Email, Address, to manage the subscription list, send newsletters, promotions and special offers, provided by the user when subscribing. Within the website there is a form to activate the subscription. The electronic newsletters are managed by Mailchimp, an online marketing platform operated by The Rocket Science Group LLC, a company located in the State of Georgia in the USA and which has subscribed to and certified compliance with the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework as you can check on the website of the United States Department of Commerce . I inform you that the data you provide will be managed by the indicated Mailchimp platform. See privacy policy at

There are other purposes for which we process your personal data:

● To ensure compliance with the Terms of Use and applicable law. This may include developing tools and algorithms that help this website to ensure the confidentiality of the personal data it collects.

● To support and improve the services offered by this website.

Other non-identifying data is also collected through some cookies that are downloaded to the user's computer when browsing this website, which I detail in the cookie policy.

To manage social networks. FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU may have a presence on social networks. The processing of data carried out on people who become followers on the social networks of the official pages of will be governed by this section. As well as by those conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations that belong to the social network that applies in each case and previously accepted by the user. It will process your data for the purposes of correctly managing your presence on the social network, informing you of activities, products or services of FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU As well as for any other purpose that the regulations of social networks allow. Under no circumstances will we use the profiles of followers on social networks to send advertising on an individual basis.

Legitimation for the processing of your data

The legal basis for the processing of your data is the existence of a contract or pre-contractual relationship.

To contact or make comments on this website, consent to this privacy policy is required.

The prospective or commercial offer of products and services is based on the consent requested from you, without the withdrawal of this consent in any case conditioning the execution of the subscription contract.

Data Category

The categories of data processed are identification and contact data. No specially protected categories of data are processed.

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data provided will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship is maintained, its deletion is not requested by the interested party and it does not need to be deleted because it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation, for the formulation, exercise and defense of claims, or when its conservation is required to enable the application of any benefit, discount or promotional advantage for the client.

In the event that the user withdraws his/her consent to the processing of his/her data or exercises the rights of cancellation or deletion, his/her personal data will be kept blocked and made available to the Administration of Justice for the periods established by law to address any potential liabilities arising from the processing thereof.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Email marketing: Mailchimp

Google Analytics: a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”).

Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. You can find more information about cookies in our Cookies Policy.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU is processing personal data that concerns me.

Interested persons have the right to:

● Request access to personal data relating to the interested party
● Request rectification or deletion
● Request the limitation of your treatment
● Oppose treatment
● Request data portability

The User and/or Client may exercise any of the rights mentioned in the previous paragraph by sending an email indicating the right they are exercising to FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU at the address, or by sending a signed letter addressed to FALCON RADIO AND ACCESSORIES SUPPLY, SLU, 08970 Sant Joan Despí, c/Vallespir, 13 (Pol. Ind. Fonsanta), enclosing in both cases a copy of their ID card, NIE or passport and any documentation that supports the request.

The User and/or Client is informed that they may direct any type of claim regarding personal data protection to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the Spanish State Control Authority.